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Solution: LonelyGabu: (casts a soul Eater on NNY disintegrating him in a second and rushes and heals all the Gabumon.)

Circumstance: The Gabumon are still hungry and I am to tired to do anything....
Solution: Put them out of their misery? (hands flame up) Nah. (Feeds them cum)

Circumstance: They're about to burst- but I can't stop.
Solution: Simple. *presses button on his console and all Gabumon evolve to Garurumon and are able to feed on your cum (larger stomachs) until you're able to satisfy yourself*

Circumstance: Now they go on a rampage to make this territory their own, the general public panicking. (Hmmm, reminds me of that old Godzilla movie only with wolves, sweet!)
Solution: I can round them up and breed them.*

Circumstance: Eventually, they have to be adopted into good homes, I'll miss my buddies!
Solution: I adopt them myself, and put them in your room. You said they needed a good bone, right? Aren't I nice?

Circumstance: They want buttsex. And their members are about 15'5 inches long. Gunter, you're locked in the room with them. Enjoy.
Solution: Give gunter the ability to take it all.....

Solution: Use the lubricant on the shelves to speed things up.

Circumstance: A lone Gabumon saw the whole thing and is now traumatized.


Circumstance: There is a bunch of yiff pals, that need yiffying...
Solution: Can't stand anymore buttsex (cuz the abbility to take it all made me take it all- but not the abbility to withstand it all). So the yiff pals go to the leather yiff bar.

Circumstance: I can't walk, but that's not the problem- The Garurumon are getting wrestless again. I don't know whether I should allow more buttsex, or have them digivolve to change their minds.
Solution: Let them digivolve and have fun with them later.....

Circumstance: 10 000 000 digimon fans rush your door trying to see weregarurumon...WHO LEAKED THIS TO THE PRESS!!!!?!?!?!?