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Nath: Yes there is! *smiles and appears in a flash of white light*

Circumstance: Nath appeared out of thin air. Go me. And Ku-X is still on the loose.

Saphire: *giggles as she gives Nath some of her cookies*


Raize: How do we stop him then?

Steven: You think I know? *shivers*

Nath: Thankies! *grabs a cookie and nibbles on it*


Lurea: I just turned on my phone, and I've got hundreds of text messages saying 'I want to talk to Yoosei'... WTF?! *confuzzled*

Samus: Sorry, I kinda mis-guided my text-messages. Fucking beam cannon, I should have bought a cel-phone *Points at Ku-X and fires a charged Plasma Beam, followed by ten Diffusion Ice Super Missiles*

Circumstance: Ku-X is about to die.

Raize: Shouldnt we take a sample of him before he dies so we can learn more about them in case of another attack


Disturbed: *pours beer all over Ku-X*
Solution: Ku-X is already dead.

Circumstance: We also just lost Kurtz. Yay.

Monica: What?! Oh no we haven't! *casts Full-Life on Kurtz* You alright Kurtzy?


Ada: A great beast approaches...I would get out of the way, wolf boy. *looks behind Disturbed and sees a Behemoth approach at full speed*

Disturbed: Now if I just defeat this thing in one move it wouldnt be that fun would it...


Disturbed: I am now the guinea pig...*runs away screaming like a girl in a very goof and silly manner* RUN ITS A BIG DOGGY DRAGON THINGY!!!

Steven: *looks at Disturbed, before at Monica* He's not supposed to be alive, his body mutated to the point where it came this orb... which... DMX... kinda... blew up and finished.

Lurea: Remind me never to look at a helicopter and UFO the same.

Circumstance: Get your axes, th' Behemoth is a coming.

Disturbed: Have I ran enough now to make people laugh?


Disturbed: *stops and jumps at the Behemoth* DIE!!!! *tackles the Behemoth and starts wrestling with it*