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Kyo: *clicks finger and an army of Renamon appear to protect the three of you* I can't be bothered to help you. They will do the job for me. *continues to carry Lurea on his back.
Lurea: *sleeptalking* Ahh... Kyo.... *wraps her arms around his neck*
Kyo: *whistles* Something tells me she's horny. *smiles*

Circumstance: I think all the bad guys are having a convention in the room next door. *looks through the window and sees Sephiroth and Kadaj*
Solution: *cloud bursts in on them and kills them all* That looks painful...

Me - Phew! *dodges pogo* Thanks Kyo!

Circumstance: *pogo anihallation*
Solution: *Cloud bursts in and starts slashing the Pogo*

Circumstance: Kyo reaches the Southern Cross Mansion. The Pogo's have been defeated. What the hell happens now? You decide.
Solution: Weeeeell... You and Lurea go in the mansion for... fun *wink* And everyone here gets drunk while cloud tells of his adventures.

Me - *swaying slightly* Ib dat tha wai it abbened?
Cloud - Yea... *hic*
Kiran - Tell us another one!
Jes - Good thing we can't get drunk, huh?
Kiran - Yup! *takes swig from beer can*

Circumstance: We're drunk! DUH!
Solution: Drunkenness for the win.

Lurea: *still sleeptalking* Ah... Ky... Kyo....
Kyo: *walking down the corridor* In a minute, people are going to think I'm doing something to her if she doesn't stop sleeptalking.
Lurea: *opens her eyes* Maybe you could help me remove my clothes in a minute... *smiles as Kyo starts to enter the elevator*
Kyo: *smiles* Heh, it's a maybe. *doors close behind them*

Raviel: *bursts into room* HEYA CLOUD! *grabs a beer can and sits down* Soooo.... anyone want to play a game?

Circumstance: OMG, sudden arrival, lol.

Cloud + Me - *falls over with drunken stupidity*
Kiran - OK! How about... Twister!
Jes - No, no, no! Doom all the way! *takes out PS3*
Kiran - Twister!
Jes - Doom!
Kiran - Twi... *blink* Why are we arguing? You've got a PS3! *grabs controller*
Jes - *picks up her one* Let's play!

Circumstance: Uh-oh... The new arrival has been forgotten... This could get ugly...

Raviel: Hey! *sits down next to Jes* Can I join in? *whispers to Pokepimp* Kyo's brother, don't mind me.

Lurea: *giggles* I'm wet.
Kyo: I can see that.
Lurea: *starts twiddling Kyo's nose with her finger* No... you know what I mean.
Kyo: :shock:

Circumstance: I think this is getting somewhere.

Me - :shock: I just heard something from another dimesion... *blinks* Oh, wait... it's just Kyo's bro...
Jes - *hitting buttons furiously* Fine by me!
Kiran - *groan* Damn...
Jes - *smirk* Got ya again!

Circumstance: Playing Doom is a little scary... *zombie emerges from shadows* ARGH!!!
Raviel: *keeps pressing the necessary buttons on the controller* Come on, Kiran, you can do better then that!

Kyo: *whistles as he slots the key into the door* Well, we're here. *Opens the door*
Lurea: *jumps off Kyo's back* Now, if you mind, I'll be having a bath...
Kyo: *taps her shoulder as she tries to walk into the bathroom* Wait there, wouldn't you like someone to help you wash your back?
Lurea: *blushes* Uh... well... yea... *looks at the floor*
Kyo: *smiles* I'll get the bath running. *walks into the bathroom and starts the bath*

Circumstance: Raviel actually starts to beat Kiran!

Kiran - Ow, ow, ow! Stop hitting me!
Me - lol

Circumstance: The bath is already ready with candles and nice smelling bubble bath *wink* Courtesy of a friend. Wine is on the side.