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Solution: Neither. Instead, Kurtz removes them from the tub and gives them to Disturbed since it's not in their house and it's Dot's house.

Circumstance: Thwarted. Renamon comes and attacks.
Disturbed uses the baby oil he got to smear it all over Renamon so everything she touches is really slippery.

Renamon is even more angry now and is about to use Diamond Storm
Solution: But she can't stand up! She slips because the baby oil is also on her feet!

Circumstance: Powerless Renamon!
Disturbed: *puts a cigar in his mouth, sunglasses, and picks up a flamethrower* You do know baby oil is flammible material right? *grins evilly*

Disturbed is going insane seeing the helpless Renamon has brought out the evil in him.
Me: *runs*

circumstance: you have a clock / radio / alarm / phone that has no power
Solution: This is my weekend clock/radio/alarm/phone, *I like to sleep in on weekends!*, so it doesn't matter.

Circumstance: You have a bag of stale marshmallows, a jar of "crunchy" peanut butter, and are extremely hungry.
Solution: IDEA! *Bloats a Guilmon with all of them and then eats him whole*

Circumstance: You entered me in Meat season.
Solution: Throw Rosa over.

Circumstance: Huge cum-wave alert! Over the horizon! *points to the large white tidal wave*
Disturbed enters Shadow World :P no cum on me.

There are hundreds of furries and scalies tide to telephone poles who are sacrifices to the orgasmic gods to the tidal wave of cum.
Gather as much cum as u can and drink it baby! Who cares about a God bitch! (With Dave Chappelle voice)

The cum wave has destroyed your house!