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Solution: *Throws black hole next to the other* Now we just wait until one starts absorbing the other.

Circumstance: The entire planet starts shaking and lightning begins shooting out of the two holes.
Solution: Throw in a baseball.

Circumstance: That didn't help at all.
Solution: ^_^

Circumstance: I brought popcorn for everyone watch the president die over and over again!
Solution: is that even a circumstance?

Circumstance: THIS is a circumstance- A meteor makes an impact on your house, obliterating your state.
Solution: You move.

Circumstance: G W B comes back, and pulls you in... Why didn't he just stay out? x.x
Solution: before it closes, up you chainsaw through his hand thus losing both problems one being GWB and the two dark holes....

Circumstance: I feel like we are being watch by someone....evil...
Solution: I stop watching.

Circumstance: For ying to exist there must be yang, since I'm here where's the good?
Solution: We have pies, pies are good.

Circumstance: Everyone has an alternate. Mine wants to kill me.
Solution: I bring the last remaining Barney....

Circumstance: does he still want to kill you now?
Solution: Nope.

Circumstance: He wants to barney... AND me.