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*drops down from the ceiling and raids the fridge*


Cheese!!! *takes the cheese and runs away*
Solution:cheese is best before dec 1941

Circumstance: I have engulfed the world's stock of peanut butter
Solution: I don't think anyone cares here....

Circumstance: Hooray for silly revives. Can it be stopped?~
GMSG: should i die yeh

Curcumstance: is lafe all its cracked up to be? surely AR is better?
Solution: We won't know that till they get Dorothy in there. Until then, screw AR.

Circumstance: ZOMG, I'm obsessed.

Crimson: Here, I made this for you until she returns. *gives you life sized Dorothy doll with accurate curves and etc.* Go crazy! *sneaks off with his Lurea doll*


The Dorothy doll tries to strangle you!

Crimson: *still walking away* Hmmm, I probably should have told him it was possessed. *shrugs* Oh well, he'll be fine.

Kurtz: CHINESE MEDICINE! *throws it over the Dot doll*

*The Dot Doll is no longer possessed*

Circumstance: College Saga items FTW.
Solution: Yay! What's the problem with them?

Circumstance: Work's keeping me off from here way too much-

Crimson: Don't worry DMX, I've got the perfect plan!

*ten minutes later*

Police: You have the right to remain silent, blah, blah, blah... *handcuffs Crimson and throws him in the squad car*

Crimson: Damn, who squealed about my counterfeiting operation?


Crimson: I'm in jail! *trying to dig out with a spoon*
Solution: Fear not Crimson! I have thrown myself into prison while having an elaborate escape plan tattooed on my sexy man-body!

Circumstance: We're out of digging spoons.