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Solution: PARTY! THANKS KYO! *lets the Renamon and AquaVeemon swarm around him* (Sweet, I think I have an idea for my 1k character upgrade and I'm going to look around for a new signature. Can't wait till the other SDP members get here, but until then, PARTY!)

Circumstance: Who was that guy with the yellow eyes anyways that you banished into your mind Kyo, you think LAVIYH is safe in there now?
Solution: *thinks* Dunno, but I've trapped many other monsters there and not one has gotten out or hurt anyone.

LAVIYH: You twat! *runs away from a giant beast looking like the Nemesis*
Beast: Voices! *chases after LAVIYH*

Kurtz: Hey, don't forget me! *grabs a Renamon and an Aquaveemon and immediately heads to the NC-17 room* Let's enjoy ourselves while we wait!
Kyo: *picks up another Renamon and Aquaveemon* It's a good thing me and Kurtz can split bodies, eh? *goes to the NC-17 room as well*

Circumstance: Come on, Crimson! Get your own lot and come on in!
Solution: Sounds like a good idea, thanks! *grabs a AquaVeemon, Lilamon, and a Renamon and closes the NC-17 room behind him*

Circumstance: Lots of yiffing noises come out from the NC-17 room, but what about the other digimon that weren't chosen outside the room.
Solution: They get sent to Shadow, DMX, Pokepimp, and any other person who SPAMS and RP's along with us.

Circumstance: *Yiff* I like fun... *clicks fingers and Lurea appears* Here, Crimson, a big treat.
Solution: Oooh, well if it isn't my favorite dragonness, care for another "massage"? *takes Lurea over to the bed for a while*

Circumstance: After hours of pure yiffing, everyone falls over to the floor and sleeps, all unable to move.
Solution: *wakes up* Good thing I took that pill before I did all'a that yiffing, or else I'd be unable to mo-- *twitches, and finds out he can't move* Oh great, I'm wide awake, and can't move. Brilliant. Just brilliant.

Circumstance: I dunno what type of pill he took...
Solution: It was the one that makes him dive into the matrix.

Circumstance: We're at war with robots for the survival of mankind.
Solution: Bring out the pies, guns, spam, pies and even more spam to deal with them.

Circumstance: *clicks fingers and a random horny female digimon appears in front of Shadow* Don't worry, she won't hurt you. *grins* If it's a Renamon, I made sure it wouldn't hate you. No matter what.
Solution: You forget. SPAM.

Renamon: *starts strangling Shadow*

Circumstance: It's impossible for Shadow not to make Renamon strangle him.
Solution: Lucky thing that White doesn't want to strangle him, then.

Circumstance: *yawn* Remind me never to oversleep again. I think I missed a load of posts.