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Solution: A party going on in Pokepimp's flat/house/whatever while Lurea and Kyo have a nice relaxing bath AT THE SAME TIME.

Circumstance: Better?
Solution: Yup.

Circumstance: I think I want to have a bath too.
Solution: Ask Pokepimp, he's been using OMG NEW SPAM POWERS WTF LOL, to make the bath more romantic (Seriously, lol, wtf). But he'll not let you get into the same bath as us, lol.

Circumstance: *hears knock on the door* Raviel: Will someone PLEASE go answer that?
Solution: Nope.

Circumstance: I still want to have that bath.
Solution: Raviel: *opens door and finds DMX* Get in the party, dude! Don't just STAY out there.... *sits down and picks up controller again, and notices Erika's on 53 frags* You little...
Erika: Haha! *picks up BFG on Doom and frags Raviel again* You lose!
Raviel: Ask Pokepimp about the bath, lol.

Circumstance: Everyone's in a party, for crying out loud.

Me - *relaxes* Phew...
Kiran - *glances around* Quickly now... *jumps Erika*
Jes - FOR FUCK SAKE!!! *yanks Kiran off Erika*
Me - *sweat drop* At least he didn't bite her... Bloody Vampire freak...
Kiran - Hey! *gets dropped, THUD* What was that for?
Jes - Don't make me use this... *draws sword and holds it to Kiran's throat*
Kiran - I'm convinced!

Kiran - Anyway... *spins thingy* Tail blue... specially for you Rennie!
Dan - :shock: Don't you dare...
Rennie - I'm not going to lose! *does as Kiran says*
Michael - Ooo 'eck! *staring*
Jess - *scowl* As soon as this game ends I will kill that little bugger!
Kiran - Well, sorry!

Hi! This used to include an old post, but due to ancient egypsun spoiler attacks, the old comment seems to be missing! Terribly sorry for any inconvenience!

Rennie - *blush* Shit...
Dan - Ya...
Kiran - lol
Jess - *looks away* Jesus...
Michael - :shock:

Kiran - (<_<) *jumps Erika again*
Jes - GET OFF HER!!!
Me - Idiot...
Jes - *picks up Kiran* Why you... :shock: Drop her! *tries to pry Kiran off Erika*

Clould - I'll spin! ... Right hand white...
Dan - Got it! *reaches*
Jess - *covers eyes*
Rennie - :shock:
Dan - *glances up slightly* Good view...
Michael - Whoa...


Me - *looks up* It's Steven! Hi!

Steven: Hiya all... *looks at Doom* So... who's winning?
Erika: *sighs* Me... *looks at Steven* Give me a challenge, will ya?
Steven: Heh, certainly... *picks up third controller*
Raviel: No fair! *gets fragged YET again*

Circumstance: I think the other scene may be over by now, lol.
Solution: OK... *presses delete key* Done!

Kiran - What the... Where'd they go?
Me - Who? Oh, them. I sent them back to their respective lemons.
Jes - *cheers* Go, Erika, go!

Circumstance: Zombies start popping up in the Doom game...