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Lurea: I think that's me done for today... *starts to slow down on the Wildcat*
Erika: *smiles* Not before I kill you and get another frag! *fires bullet but only catches her shoulder, and that was her last bullet*
Lurea: Ah, fuck! *yelps, holding her arm while with the other arm trying to pull off the VR headset*

Kurtz: *pants* Ah... ah feck....

Circumstance: *wags tail* Yep, totally fragalicious!

Me - *swings in on vine between Lurea and Erika* I'll save yo-*SMACK (crashed into mysterious tree that wasn't there a minute ago)* Uh...
Kiran - *singing*Pimp, pimp, pimp of the jungle! Watch out for that tree! lol

Rennie - EEEE!!! *orgasm* beh... *panting*

Circumstance: More stupidity... great...
Solution: MADNESS!!!

Lurea: *blinks and starts rubbing eyes* Awww... well, that was... *looks at Kurtz*.... Fun. *fumes*
Kurtz: *stops, and turns around* Uhh.... hi, Lurea?
Lurea: *picks up mallet* Oh, you are SO DEAD THIS TIME! *starts walking over with the mallet raised*

Circumstance: Oh... heck.
Solution: I know...

Me - *falls off tree and squishes Lurea* The pain... *twitching*
Kiran - lol I'll prepare the funeral! Wanna help Kurtz?

Rennie - *blinks* Huh? Where'd he go? *growl* Damn! I wanted some sticky, cummy mess! *pouts*

Circumstance: YOU ARE SAVED!!!

Lurea: YOUCH! *yelps as Pokepimp lands on her*
Kurtz: Uh... *looks at Lurea* I've got an idea... *walks over to Pokepimp* Want a bit of fun? All we need to do is... *whispers* Quietly get out of the game, get quite a bit away from everyone else and enjoy ourselves with... *points to Lurea* Wanna go at it?

Circumstance: Well... will you?
Solution: Yayz for 3sums.

Circumstance: Let's go for it!
Solution: o_O

Me - *jumps up* I'M IN!!! *glances down* Oopsie...

Rennie - *pouting* Everyone forgot me.

Cicumstance: VR hemet off!
Solution: Wasn't using one.

Circumstance: You won't like it when I'm horny.
Solution: *waves finger in front of your nose* You didn't ask permission last time, so no screwing Lurea for you.

Circumstance: You're not coming, DMX.
Solution: Try and stop me.

Circumstance: You are about to feel the wrath of one of the SPAM gods.