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solution: sleep less than before

circumstance: can't sleep at all
Solution: I used to not sleep...

Circumstance: *pulls out a card with Sephiroth's face on it* You're all PW'ned.
solution: god moding

circumstance: work in twenty minutes
Solution: *blows up your workplace*

Circumstance: Oh noes, I'm being chased after again by the police...
solution: runs them over and tells you to get in

circunstance: both fugatives
Solution: *turns into Regil and stamps on every police car coming your way while running behind your car*

Circumstance: Teh military is after me now...
sulution: army of aquarevimon

circumstance: pursuasion to fight
Solution: *turns into Kurtz*
Kurtz: Hey ladies. *grins*
Aquarivamon Army: *immediately jump on Kurtz*

Circumstance: The military cannot see me now... their after you now.
soluton: take off hat, change clothes and get a hair cut then dye it

circumstance: time to do that
Solution: HELL NO!! Nobody touches my white hair!

Circumstance: Mess with it and die!