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Solution: Me too! I'll buy! *chases after Kyo*

Circumstance: Now there's no one for DMX to shoot.
Solution: *grins* I think we're the only ones here.

Circumstance: Bacardi!! *starts passing bottle after bottle to Pokepimp*
Solution: What's going on? *freezes as a arrow whizzes by*

Circumstance: Ergh, where are they coming from?! *pulls out ray guns*
Solution: Crimson! Catch! *chucks a bottle of bicardi to Crimson*

Circumstance: :shock: DMX is shooting?
Solution: Hells yeah, I needed a drink, thanks! *starts drinking before firing ray guns wildly in his drunken state*

Circumstance: Did I hit anyone?
Solution: *sees a supersized Kurtz walking by* I doubt.

Circumstance: Take that Growth Ray from Crimson.
Solution: No. *walks around* Hey... I kinda like being this size.

Circumstance: But put me back please to my original height, if you mind.
Solution: Crimson has the Shrinking Rays. Ask him.

Circumstance: Another Growth ray hit a very sexy dragoness.
Solution: Call me in a few hours. And don't fire that Shrink Ray at me.

Circumstance: *walks off with the dragoness* Somehow, I keep thinking I forgot about someone.
Solution: Yup, you are *grins and grows into Kaiser*

Circumstance: Enjoy while you can.