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Solution: 6 lives off the same person (who has 8 lives)

Circumstance: you have 60 seconds to get out of your country.
solution be on holiday
circumstance 1000or nonstop sex with renamon for 4 days
Solution: Get me a king-sized bed and let me at her...

Circumstance: A meteor will strike the Earth in 10 days...destroying it.
yiff anything that moves die happy

yo mama just raped you
Solution: Couldn't happen...been deceased for awhile.

Circumstance: You have a day off of school, but have to spent it with your parents.
solution: like i got any other choice.....

circumstance: you are banned from doing anything fun
Solution: Doesn't matter...sounds like my life right now.

Circumstance: The Earth is no longer tilted on its axis, thus...there are no longer anymore seasons.
Solution: Link! He'll go on some crazy adventure to save the world to restore the seasons, perhaps with the help of some Oracle.

Circumstance: Ganon decided not to wait for Link to get to the end of the game and instead kill him outright.

Crimson: In other words...GAME OVER, MAN!
go back to last save point and try again

we have no more problems
Relax and enjoy baby. :D

U just peed in ur pants while relaxing.... O_o