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Solution: Oh, I'll send it to you in a sec....

White: He can't see us, though... *points to the thick cloud of smoke*

Kyo: *starts walking away* Where are yoo, White? *starts chanting*

Circumstance: *smiles*
Solution: *shy smile* Oh... OK then... *touches her face*

Circumstance: *using SPAM!!!* Fog is now a solid barrier!
Solution: Aha.

White: *murrs* MMmmmm.... *starts to undo Pokepimp's belt*

Kyo: *looks at Kurtz* Found her?
Kurtz: *shakes his head* Nope.

Circumstance: :D
Solution: *blush, rubs her shoulders*

Circumstance: I'm getting VERY excited!
Solution: *smiles*

White: *moans quietly* Ahh... Poke... *slowly wraps her arms around his neck* Take... me....

Kyo: Nope, no luck in finding her.
Kurtz: Back to the mansion?
Kyo: Sure! *starts running*

Circumstance: Do I even need to put a message here?
Solution: *blush spreads* Well, um, I... ok. *calls up big bed using SPAM*

Circumstance: Not really.
Solution: *hand appears from sky and summons a bed where Pokepimp and White are* YOU DESERVE THIS. *the hand fades away into the sky*

White: Mmmmm.... *smiles* Come on.... I'm waiting.... *licks her lips*

Circumstance: You know whose hand that was. *winks*
Solution: *jumps on top of her* Can't keep a girl waiting! *nibbles her cheek*

Circumstance: ^_^
Solution: X_X

White: *starts panting* Come on.... don't play... with me... *eagerly awaits, swishing her bushy tail*

Circumstance: :D
Solution: *puppy dog eyes* But I like playing... *tickles her belly*

Circumstance: @_@