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your name is

what is the quadrant of the force between any two charges?

what came first? the chicken? or the-TROG DOR!!!
Chuck Norris.

Why am I so funny?
becuase your just deluding yourself..

what if i asked a stupid question?
Is that a question?

What are bananas?
jamacian battleships

Why does everybody wanna be a cat?
because i want to be a dragon. and if they were cats, then they would be dead faster.

wheres the peanut butter?! i thought i just had some....
*burps* er...i dunno... lol

How pissed is AWL now?
so pissed im gonna DELETE the internet!!!

*puts pointer over an icon called "The Entire Internet" and clicks DELETE!*

does the person below me know if im gonna go eat a peanut butter sandwich now?
<.< >.> <.< Mayyyybe

Why do chickens say Bawk?