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It can't... O_o

Why can't you nail jello to a tree?
Because the jello will kick your ass if you do

What is the sun made out of?
Butter! See? It's all yellow! lol

What is a shadow...?
The evil side of you...muahahahaha *horns grow out* Err....*pushes them back in* hehe *Halo appears* thats better!

Why are there so many theories about god/heaven/devil/hell?
A shadow is candy!! Eat it!!

Why do we burp?
Disturbed: Because we don't like farting in public. ^_^

Misty: Because they're stupid.

What is 'Math'? Can I eat it? I'm hungry...
Math is something we won't really have a use for in many jobs...

Why do we learn all these things we are never going to use once we're outta college/high school.
Because the schools must to have a reason to make our childhood hell! ^.^

Why me...?
Because you are on of their experiments...they anal probe you and do tests on you!!

Why haven't we seen aliens yet if we are so technologically advanced?
Because they are beyond our mere human efforts.

>.> ... <.< ... *presses hidden button and gets teleported back to the mothership*

Why is my blood red?