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a boot, if you ask the British.

Why do people insist on giving me knives, matches and caustic chemicals, despite the obvious hazard I present to those around me? Twisted
Because they think you have changed and won't wreak havoc.\

Why are these damn riddles so hard?!
Because they are from FRANCE!!

Chivaja: I wanna go to the Eiffel Tower!!

Dravaja: *Breathes fire at a miniature model of the Eiffel Tower* Screw them....

Why are the French so self-centered?
Crimson: That's just what they want you to think. *shifty eyes*

Why do cell phone keep getting smaller and smaller?
Because smaller cell phones cause less brain cancer.

Why do clocks run clockwise?
Ravaja: 'cause the clock goes clockwise.... DUH!

Why is that damn wrestler JBL so fat?!

Dravaja: He was so fit during his APA years... *Sigh*
Because he eats babies...

Why do cats purr?
You see, it's a signal to the evil mole-kitties from mars for them to launch a cute-strike on hapless humans...

Am I mad?
Yes, yes you are. Completely loopy. Oh wait... which mad did you mean?

Where did my bass go!?
I ate it! *grin*

When can i meet Sam Fisher?