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Because if came from your mouth... ^^

Now why did THAT sound so gross
I didn't clean my fangs tonight. You know, eating human flesh can leave a real bad taste in your maw.

Why do I have to kill someone to sate a dinner?
Because you are a dragon that likes meat O_o

Why did that sound gay?
Maybe for the you part.

Is there any way to understand women?
Yes...obey them

Why are men so difficult?
You talk too much.

Do we need a sex battle?
Ada: Not necessary, the female sex is superior. What a stupid question.

Crimson: Um... *points to game title*

Ada: *uses magical thunderbolt attacks on Crimson*

Crimson: Ouch. *reduced to cinders*

Where can I find magical protection?
*hands you a condom* lol

Why must gas be so expensive?
Well it comes out of- you know.

Can I turn the sun blue?
Hmm...let's try it

How the hell did I get almost 80 people on messenger?!