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because Renamon is a serial rapist.

because her lack of reality makes the jacking off easier.

how hot would it be to see angewomon make out with renamon?
VERY hot. like, 9999999999999999999999999 / 10 on the hotness scale!! (not kidding here! :x :P )

how hot would Angewomon and Sakuyamon making out be?
same as before only when rika stops the biomergance your gonna wish you weren't a voyeur anymore.
same as before only when rika stops the biomergance your gonna wish you weren't a voyeur anymore.

how cute would a guilmon and a flamedramon curled up together be?
really cute! ^^ i actually read a lemon with them snuggling...well, against flamey's will xP

who is mike jones?
Crimson: Yo momma! j/k He's actually next on my hit list... *evil laugh as he readies an AK-47*

Why aren't there more Aquarivamon fans?
because i'm the only one left :(

where's the princess?
Crimson: *kicks Bowser into the lava and makes it into the back room* Alright! *opens a bag*

Toad: *jumps out of the bag* Thanks Crimson, but the princess is in another castle!

Crimson: ...... *fires magnum several times into Toad's skull* I guess she's not here.

Where can I find a good map?
Google maps

where can i go to get "experienced"? ( bonus points for getting the reference)