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DMX: I didn't do it!

Lawyer Phoenix: OBJECTION! *Points at Misty* She was the one to steal the pies!

Why did this turn to a comedy based on a Super Nintendo game?
... *shrugs and eats stolen pie*

How did I get that pie?
you got the pie because you are a pie lover

why are people stupid?
Because they were raised that way

Why am I so cold?
because you are not wrapped in a blanket

Hotdogs are made of what?
Pig Guts...

Why are cows black and white
because it would be awkward if they would be pink and green

why do we watch animes?
Because the effin' RULE!!

Why is adult swim called adult SWIM
because it's only for adults XD

why there are rules?
So we can break them

Why do parents THINK they understand?