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Because it wants to be.

Why are there so many languages?
Because they wanted to make the dictionary bigger

Why is there 7 days in a week?
Because 7 8 9 (oldest joke...i swear)

Why is there an animal called a dik-dik?
Because it was originally called dick-dick but they cut off the 'c' quickly since they didn't want children to go around and say 'Ooh, I saw a dick-dick yesterday' or write in their holiday essays, "I saw a dick-dick on the way there. It was hanging out with a few others, drinking."(ROFL!)

Why does the brain act like it does?
Because we were actually a lot smarter but cavemen hit themselves on the head with clubs..

Why do we have calendars?
Because God was too lazy to write one up, so the Romans were ordered to do so.

Why is religion still existant?
Because cultures were too dumb to get rid of em

Why is pepto-bismol is thick and pink?
Because the pink Care Bear had a shit. >X3

Why is "I" a word?
Because it can stand for 'eye' lol

Why is abbreviated such a long word...when it means a shortened version of a word...?
Wait, wait, hold up! That's a good question! OFF TOPIC!!! (J/K FTW :P)

Why can't I see my nose?