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Hubartanti. XD

Why are dog's a man's best friend?
Because all other animals hate them so they switched to humanoids

Why dance in the rain?
New suicide fashion including boltin' death. Only avalaible in stores now.

Why act like a tele-marketing git?
Because we all want to be annoying! YAY! KILL THE NEIGHBOURS WITH EVIL ADS~

Why is there no spoon?
Because I ate it. ^_^

Why am I getting dizzy? *spinning in swivel chair*
Because you chose to...

Why do we have to go to the bathroom...?
Well... we don't have to if we don't want to... but that would cause a terrible mess... lol

"This sentence is a lie."
Does that mean that it's true?
I think it is true....... O_O *gasp*

Why the hell does my bird flap his wings around for no reason...?

Seriously. He stands at the bottom of his cage and flaps his wings...wtf
Twisted Thaaat's it... believe it to be innocent wing flapping... Heheheheh...

... *blinks* What was that all about?
I have nooooooo idea....

Why are you acting so weird..?