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I dunno, why the Earth is flat?

Dot: It's round.

DMX: Here it's flat *Points to Dot's chest*


Why must brother and sister hate each other?
that is not hatre...that is brotherly love XD

why are the clouds up in the sky?
So that we can't mistake them for cotton-candy. ^_^

Why do bubbles go up?
Because they will pop faster if they go down...

Why do kids eat glue?
I convinced them they had to eat or I'd bring Michael Jackson near them.

Why am I so evil?
Because you are a dragon...

Why does chocolate taste soooo good?
I touched it.

Why am I so modest?
Because you can be.

Why are you afraid of lightning?
I'm not <.< >.>

Why do you ask the... untrue? n_n;;
Because I know they are true... MUahahahahahahaha

Why are you denying it?!