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yes he's gmsg's dad

is my new siggy good okay or crap

Who said you can't be happy all the time?
The Ravaja of Dejeneratio Wrote:GOODY!

Who said you can't be happy all the time?

Me. On several occasions.

If a train leaves Los Angeles, California at 6:42am and arrives in Tokyo, Japan at 11:00am, how awesome is the train? I mean, c'mon, man. The thing can travel underwater... not to mention distort space time itself. OMG!
Extreme Awsome...must be Chuck Noriss's train

how many sexual possissions can happen with a Renamon that cant happen with a human
As many as one yiffy person can think of...like me! Twisted Which would be in the thousands.

What would happen if the world's water supply was replaced by Rena Sauce!
the world would have sex with renamon all the time

how long of coutenuous yiffing can one renamon stand
Hmmmm, don't know? I that like the question: How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Toostie Pop? Just gotta keep yiffing away...'til she gets tired of ya?

How much continous yiffing can YOU stand?
I guess I'll have to yiff a Renamon untill I tire

would you trust a drunken Renamon to use her claws to slice an apple off of your head?
depends am i drunk \
do i yiff her later      \
how big a apple         >    ?
how sharp claws      /
do i wear a helmet  /

would you rape a drunken renamon
Nope...not that way...

Why did the makers of Pokemon have to make them speak their names every time they talk?