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Oh that, that's what they call a jet pack! *Flies around*

What is that between ur legs?
....That's none of your bussiness how huge I am

why are people stareing at my crotch
I dunno, maybe their all bi? Because I am....

does that scare u?
Not really. It angers me. How DARE you be BI without making me BI too!?

Will you?

is there a turtle looking at me
Yes. I put it in your sheets so it can stare at you while you sleep.

Why do I think of the weirdest things like that? o.o
Because Stewie tryed to scramble your brains as part of a Lois killing experament but it didnt kill you so he scrapped the project

why did I make a family guy reference


Why is Stewie so awesome?
he's a talking baby...nuff said

why do some people accuse Family Guy of ripping off Simpsons? ((I am a fan of both and that simply is NOT true))
Simpsons fans are jealous of how good Family Guy is, that's all. I agree with you that both are great.

Crimson: At least Matt Groening only jokes about it, the guys behind South Park really hate Family Guy.

Zorromon: You know, that wasn't really a stupid answer.

Crimson: Gah, I've let my fans down! *crashes head against wall*

Why do they pack hot dogs by 10 but only buns by 8?