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He thinks you're horny

Why is Pink Floyd considered as stoner's music?
Because they themselves are stoners.... No offense to Pink Floyd fans.

Why is disco dead?
Because of the pelvic thrust..

Why do rappers talk so fast?? >_<

Misty: Ima kill you Ravaja...I love Pink Floyd!! And I'm not a stoner and I listen to it >_<
Ravaja: *Sweatdrop* Oh... Hehehe? *gulps*

'cause rappers don't know how to speak coherently...

Are u gonna kill me?

Ravaja: PLEASE!! NOO :!:
Nah...I can't do that to ya! *hugs Ravaja* ^__^

I hugged you...what'cha gonna do now?
Ravaja: *Hugs back* hehe... Don't take it that way Gol... We're just friends.

What is a Chocolate Salty Ball?
Meh...hell if I know...sounds kinda nasty..bleh

Why are they called Ice Breakers when they don't break ice??
A piece of trash!

Have u met a grouch before?
Yes!! MY MOM!!

Why does water taste like nothing?
Because it's clear, like a crystal thingy....

What would be the first thing u eat when u come home?