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because of radiation.

why the hell is there radiation?!
Because the polish were always considered to be the armpit of europe

GMSG:its true! poland had nothing to shout about in the EU conferences. Britain had the tea, Spain had the siesta, Germany had the autobahns and "super efficent cars" and the French ate snails.
Me: you've bean watching to much pron...
GMSG: yup! mrgreen

Why does GMSG watch too much pron?
Must be corrupted....

Why do some fuckers dare say that my lemons are failures when they don't even write lemons?
You answered your question...they haven't written any and have no idea what it takes to compose and develop a story.

Why am I becoming obsessed with this site?
because it's worth it.

is kissing renamon it worth being maimed and hit with a [Image: renastrike3.png]
attack? sorry i couldn't figure out how to shrink it.
HELL NO! That is so fucking awesome! *clears throat* sorry...

Why does Naruto have so many hot girls in the show? Sakura....Ino...Tenten....Hinata.....*drools* Duuuuhhhh......
Because he couldn't care less for any of them...


Why can't I get motivated in the morning?
because you need more sleep.

thanks i wish i could take credit for it but i just snapped it and three others while playing the game. the can be found on my photo bucket account.

can i sleep on you couch tonight?
I wouldn't recommend that, it's dirty and it's small...

Why are censors so fucking irritating?
because they are. i mean, what's the point of censoring a cock, when you KNOW its a cock? jeez..so pointless...

why was i so hungry this morning...?