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Full Version: Ask A Stupid Question, Get A Stupid Answer!
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"Because all infants have an oral fixation. (no matter the species)"

That's a stupid answer? More like a smart answer.

Because they're pissed at you. You've angered the Robin King.

Why have I got the urge to go and dye my hair white, stick it up and grab a katana?
Crimson: Probably the same reason I have to die my hair blond, spike it up, and grab an oversized butcher's knife.

Why do animals howl at the moon?
They think cheese will fall on them and crush them if they don't.

Why the moon's normal and the planet's made of cheese?
Because mold and yeast can't grow in a vacuum.

Why is my family constantly walking by, when I'm on the computer?
They like staring at shiny things.

Why is Katt the sexiest 8bit RPG character ever?
Because Beelzemon wasn't in any 8 bit games

Why can't I walk down the street without someone staring at my ass?
Eee-gads!! :Eek: What city is your steet in?

Why does soda/beer taste better from a bottle?
dont know...its just like how orange juice tastes better from the juice box.

why do i have so much homework tonight??
uh...a teacher got you confused with someone else?

why can't I barrow guilmon's shotgun?
Crimson: Because you can't barrow a shotgun, only borrow!

Zorromon: That's not what he meant...though that does count as a stupid answer.

Why does warm soda taste so lousy?