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Because if you were able to, you would be cross-eyed as a bat :-p

Why do people think they are better than other people...?
So that they think that others think that that they think that they are better and therefore feel superior! ^_^ ... I think. :P

Is fire alive?
Yes! And it will eat you!!

Why can't we hold onto water?
Because it's made of really runny jello! ^_^

... What does this button that has the word "REPLY" written on it do?
It pokes you in the eye!

Why are you living in England..?
Because it is the home of the political idiot! (MY DAD!!! >.< FTW)

Can I borrow your pika? ^.^
That's not a stupid question...but sure!! ^_^ lol

Why is there a smiling devil on the emoticons thing when you reply..?
*puts on scientist outfit* It is because it represents one of the many sub-personalities of the DaD's inhabitants as well as being a channel to express the emotion of 'evil'. ^_^ Allow me to explain further... *begins uber-long-winded speech*

Why is my face blue...?
*gasps* BREATHE!!!!!!!!!!!! That's why!

Why were you not breathing?!?!? O_O
But I am breathing...

Could it have anything to do with the can of blue paint that fell on me?