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Because you have a case of digital lycanthropy!

Why do I have to keep dusting my monitor?
Because it attracts dust! >_< I hate that

Why does the singer of Wise Guys have such a HUGE mouth...it's creepy.
because he's the next bigfoot.

why do bedtimes SUCK?
Maybe u need to listen to VAST before u sleep!

Why is it that the trees are green and not yellow?
because if they were yellow then people would mistake them for dandilions and start picking them out of the ground.

why do i have so much money and nothing to spend it on?
Because no one wants to accept jars of coins as payment.

Why are dragons so cool?
Maybe 'cause dragons connect all the cultures of the world with weird stories that most likely never happened in the Earth's History!

Why is it that High School Musical is so fucking sucky?
Because it's high school, and it's a musical.

Why the hell did my step dad want to paint my kitchen yellow? It looks like a damn post-it note.
Because he's caught in a 70's time warp?

Why is Disturbed (the group) becoming one of my favorite bands?
Because.... OH WA-A-A-A!!

Why am I listening to VAST all of a sudden?