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Crimson: Cookies! You can never go wrong with a good cookie. Pie works too.

Where is the blue key?
Inside the red back with the brown padlock

Where is my blanket?
Mistysilverwolf ate it

Why do the littlest things amuse me?
Because everytime I play with my arm hair you laugh

Why do I have so much $%#@ing hair!?
Because you keep shaving it and it keeps growing back. Or your pubes went too slow. (See? Stupid, should be the other way round)

Why do you have a name?
Someone through silvewear down the steps and told me my name would be Justin

Why are racial jokes so mean but so funny?
Because they aren't aimed toward you?? I dunno

Why are people so damn racist and stereotypical?
Because they hate themselves and want to lighten themselves up with racial crap...

Why do nice guys finish last?
Because they work harder to get appreciation...so it takes longer lol

Why do sequels of movies suck so much?
'Cause they hire cheap writers for the film! Like the idiot who wrote that crap movie Cats and Dogs, he did Son of the Mask, and it SUCKED! That Fucking Jackass!

Why does this man make such stupid movies?