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I beat them with cattle prods and say "NO!! Bad zombies!!"

How would you toilet train a zombie?
form 3 planets away

do you know the muffin man?
Yes! ^_^ He gave me a bunch of free muffins!

Do you know the pilsbury doughboy?
No.. but I can imitate the voice ,,,=^.^=,,,

Why do they have to edit all of the blood and stuff out of Anime?
Because censors believe that they are morality protectors of the general public.

Are you feelin' lucky, punk?
Hell yeah I'm lucky, punk! *Camera flash*

What is a powerbomb?
A Powerbomb is a professional wrestling move in which an opponent is lifted up (usually so that they are sitting on the wrestler's shoulders) and then slammed back-first down to the mat. - Wikipedia

How many licks does it takes to reach the Tootsie Roll center of a Toostie Pop?
*takes a wild guess*79.67587495784

how is jam out iside the donught
king julian (from madagascar)- calm down morris you silly monkey! *slaps*

what is your name?
you know it

