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You don't. Sam Fisher meets you.

Why does my face hurt?
DMX: *Shakes his fist a bit, opens his palm and closes it repeatedly, then puts both his arms behind his back while whistling innocently*

Why is the difficult the obvious?
Because people think too hard about it

Why are Lifetime movies soo addicting?
Because they show what you'll never be.

Why are big tits so arousing?
They aren't, you just think they are. :P

Why is this kitty sitting on my keyboard? o.O;
Because it's watching you paw off..

Why is my birdy making yiffy noises? O_o
^_^' *silence, doesn't want to break a rule*

Why does this light keep flashing... *staring a street lamp* ... There! It went off again!
Because it knows that you are staring at it...and watching its every move...

Why is this jelly filled frog staring at me....? It's EVIL
*squishes frog with warhammer* ^.^ Did you ask something?

What does 'I' mean...? Because if I am me then who are you? And before you say "I am me." I am me! So you must be you and I me! Unless you are me and I am you but who the hell does that make me, and you?
*dies of confusion* I DON'T KNOW!!! >_<

Why does Macaroni Salad taste nummy?