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Full Version: What Would You Do If...?
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In my house, always be with you when you want me to, away from my home, go on a search to find you.

What would you do if you can put you hand in the computer screen and do things to whatever you see in it?
Misty: Aww that's sweet hun...

I would travel to see all my friends that I never see...

What would you do if there was no such thing as internet?
*evil grin* I'd change my post count to 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999. >XD

What would you do if I actually did that?
I'd just go. O.o

What would you do if some creature was in your monitor screen and started messing with whatever you are doing?
I'd shoot the bastard! No one messes with my computer!!

What would you do if you ran a popular babysitting service and had to change all the diapers?
... *sneaks off to some obscure country*

What would you do if you could have anything you wanted? Anything at all...
Omg...........................life.....would ROCK!!!!

What would you do if you had the things you want and you were free to do whatever?
I would first get on a plane to Cali and visit you. muahaha

What would you do if money was never a problem for you?
I would fly over to Portugal and give Yoosei a big hug

What would you do if you saw a turtle and it wen Meow
I would be.... O.o

What would u do if someone was peeing on your lawn?