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nothing! i'd be fired in like 10 seconds?

What would you do if you huggled a furry at a Furfest then realised it was your worst enemy?
keep hugging until i have a nice red vest instead of the white on i was wearing.

what would you do if if was go time and you were unprepared?
I'd go in whatever condition I was in, I'm always prepared.

What would do if you only had balck-colored clothes?
be not a goth?

what would you do if Vook walked up to you and started frenching you suddenly?
Misty: Voooook...Misty isn't this way...and you aren't either...at least I hope not.....
Singe: *shoves Misty out of the way and stands in front of Vook* Heya Vook!
Misty: *kicks Singe in the nuts* GO AWAY!!! Fucking little brothers...

What would you do if you had an annoying sibling like that?
i'd kick him in the balls. or if it was a girl, be extremely perverted towards her. xD nah j/k

Vook: what are you trying to seduce me or something Misty? :P *pounces Singe and licks his face* ^_^ dont worry about your nuts...they'll be aaaaall better soon >:3

what would you do if...you met your DaD characters in real life?
O__O Kinda weird actually.......

What would you do if there was no more devil dogs? *Obviously pointing to AWL*
AWL: ............................................................NO MORE DEVIL DOGS?!?!?! *emo* oh...now i have to cut myself....*goes off to do that*

Vook: O_o;

AWL: .......................J/K! i would invent my OWN devil dogs and be RICH!!! MUHAHAAHAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!

what would you do if AWL made his own devil dogs? *shudders in fear*
as the dark eternal i would take a free to my home. (remember the dare eternal has his own private hell)

what would you do if you woke in in a winger version of hell and i greeted there tell you you'd be my guest for the next week and to avoid the hassenpepper?
I would try to find a place to hide forever.

What would you do if you found out you were brother/sister of your bitter rival?