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Full Version: What Would You Do If...?
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Uh... *blushing furiously* Do I have to answer?

What would you do if I picked you up and carried you off to an NC-17 room?
Lurea: ^_^

What would you do if Kurtz kicked you across the head?
Donegon: I would laugh and send a lightning bolt up your ass

What would you do if I yiffed you right here and now Twisted
Yiffy! @u@ *gets yiffing*

What would you do if I did that?
Tieya: Well, it'd make a change.

Tieya: What would you do if I did this. *takes off her dragoness costume*

Luna: MUFAH!!

(.....Not really)
0.o ...

What would you do if I suddenly ass grabbed you? >XD
*smack, bang, whallop*

Kurtz: Don't you dare touch there again. *frowns* I'm not in the mood.

What would you do if a coin fell onto your eye?
^.^ Money! *extracts the coin from eye*

What would you do if you saw that? lol
Ada: *growls furiously as she turns around at stares daggers at Grim, her paw knocking him to the floor* Die worm, Cosmic Wrath! *crushes you to the floor with power of the stars*

Crimson: Ouch. *shakes head at Grim*

What would you do if I shot you with the Gender Swap Ray?
Fem Me - *poses nekked* #^.^# Niiice!

What would you do now Crimsie? lol