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Full Version: What Would You Do If...?
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run far away o_o

what would you do if you had an extra electric socket?
Challenge it to a staring contest

What would you do if you found a box marked "Renamon's KEEP OUT!"???
take a look inside

what wou you do if you found out you emitted radiation?
Stalk the prez

What would you do if you fell into a bottomless pit?
die of starvation.

what would you do if you could freeze yourself 100 years into the future?
I'd see a world destroyed by fossil fuels....possibly.

What would you do if you were reincarnated?
go around as a 1-month year old and kick everyones ass in SSBM.

i'd be the baby of the year! forever!

what would you do if your hands turned to chocolate?
Probably check if anything else turned to chocolate. :oops:

What would you do if something else turned into chocolate? :shock:
jump in the fridge so that they dont melt.

what would you do if there was no more beer?
*Shivers* I would declare it the worst day of my life.

What would you do if your house ran away?