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Full Version: What Would You Do If...?
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Kill myself.... .... .... .... .... ....

What would you do if a 13 year old perv ruled the country?
Worship that perv... PERVS RULE!!

What would u do if they said that a soy bean can give u cancer?
Crimson: Gah, a "u"! It's "you", "YOU"!!!! *points before he breaks through brick wall*

Zorromon: *shakes forehead* Sorry about him, anyways what doesn't give you cancer these days, seriously. I guess we could annihilate them all, whatever. *swings sword at soybean plant*

What would you do if you could turn back time?
I'd remove myself from it...

What would you do if you had the power to change one thing in you're life or about yourself?
Monica: I'd stop you from getting out of my life. *snuggles him tightly*

What would you do if you saw a bottle that said, "Drink me!"?
I'd drink it

What would you do if Kurtz was said to be the Dragonic Sex God?
i'd be hearing the truth

what would you do if you got a nice comment like that everyday?
I'd be getting a hard on.

What would u do if a superhero came and wasn't wearing underwear?
I woult talk to them and find out what being a super hero was like.. and then ask if there was a reason they were flying around naked

What would you do if you woke up and you were a girl? (Or a guy if you are already a girl)
I would just get horny and go to the bathroom straight away.... ooh yeah....

What would u do if U woke up as a girl? (Or if ur a girl, a guy)