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Full Version: What Would You Do If...?
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I would get bitch slap them and turn them into my pets

What would you do if you could choose any digimon that would stay with you forever
I would choose an elecmon

what would you do if you could choose to be any digimon?
Crimson: I don't know, I guess I'd choose to be a Zorromon.

Zorromon: Hey, you can't do that, there's only one Zorromon, one!

What would you do if you had an identity crisis?
Choosing which digimon I want to be.

What would you do if anyone else's wishes were accepted, except yours?
I would consider that my luck and move on

What would you do if a car parked in your front lawn
Crimson: *looks at his front lawn* Dammit, I told Zorromon not to park there, drinking or not. *groans as he goes to move it*

What would you do if a puppy followed you home?
I would take the little thing home and spoil it

What would you do if a kitten was sitting on your head
Crimson: *looks up at the kitten resting on his head* Well I can't move it, it's too darn cute. *shrugs*

What would you do if that puppy started chewing on the furniture?
I would get new furniture

What if the kitten was a tiger cub
Crimson: *blinks* Um...I better return this to the wild... *runs off*

What would you do if you were trapped in a haunted mansion?