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There's something called a sword. I'm not afraid to use it.

What would you do if I came to you dressed as Sephiroth with a REAL masamune? :3
I would tell you "Okiesmokies*

What would you do if you saw a chibi sized Sephiroth
Monica: Huggle it! *tightly hugs chibi Sephiroth, causing him to drop his Masamune as he's choked from the hug*

What would you do if you were fired out of a cannon?
I think I would piss myself..

What would you do if you were being hung from a hook and on fire?
Blythe: As I fly over the city rain Comets all over it completely demolishing it

What would you do if you saw Blythe in swimming trunks
Umm.... Run off in fear!

What would u do if Dravaja wanted to conquer your town?

Dravaja: Hehehe....

Ravaja: *Clubs his head with a salmon* Shut up!
I would say "Bring it on"

What would you do if I had a very large stick
Fight you with another big stick

What would you do if all the music in the world was destroyed?
I would go on a rampage RAWWWWRR!!!!

What would you do if the rampage came through your living room
I would die....

What would you do if every single strand of hair was shaved off your body?