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I would be gone in 2 secs

What would you do if you could choose any car matterless of the price?
I wouldnt be here because i would be driving so damn much! Dodge Viper, Mustange, Ford 350, and a large roomy van for my friends.

What would you do if you were Bill Gates son/daughter?


What would u do if u saw your teacher's boobs by accident?
Depends on which teacher.. If it was my old spanish teacher. I would tell her how good they look, and then show her mine. Twisted

What would you do if you walked in on that happening?
Ravaja: Dayum!

What would u do if your teacher looked HOT!?
I would tell her that he/she was hot (I've done this before.. kinda funny)

What would you do if someone stole your hentai collection?
I would chase them down. Hunt them to the end of their days... or until I get bored. :P Whichever comes first. (Most likely their death... I'm very protective of my collection. lol)

What would you do if your best friend turned out to be a superhero?
Well, be his sidekick!

What would u do if u saw someone with the ...With Dummies book?
i dunno....laugh...stop....glare....yawn...sleep.
(my life story)

What would you do if.....you only had four days to live due to a giant asteroid heading for earth?
Fly to where fred_18 lives and visit him for a while, then fly to Singapore to meet Ravaja, then fly to California and be with Gol until we die.

What would you do if you were allergic to chocolate and it was the only food available?