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Full Version: What Would You Do If...?
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I would go WWOOOOO!! Hey I can see my house from here

What would you do if I came crashing through your roof
I would be like O_O then help you up

What would you do if you had 2 hours to live?
Oh you dont want to know how much damage I can do within two hours

What would you do if a bird flew at yoru window and crashed
I would be like O_O.... <_< stupid bird.

What would you do if Spongebob came to life?
I would use him to clean my counters

What would you do if you saw a Flamedramon sitting next to you
I would huggle it!! ^_^

What would you do if your name was Herman?
I would LEGALY change it to my real name....

What would u do if Big Bird was terrorizing the world?
Cook him and eat him...

What would you do if all your friends betrayed you?

What would u do of some guy was eating worms in front of u?
I think I would barf..

What would you do if you were attacked by bees?