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heh they would speak an actual language and not making noises as if recovering from extreme castration

What would you do if....some random guilmon fell on you
Hmm...someone's implying that it's you...soooo..I would huggles him and stuffs!! ^.^ =D

What would you do if you were stuck listening to a song you hated for the rest of your life?
I'd sue the creator of the teletubbies theme for ruining my life >_<

What would you do if you shook someones hand and it exploded?
Err I would be hand-less.... O_o

What would you do if you met your favorite band and was able to tour with them?
I would pack a suitcase, withdraw some money and head out for a summer tour. *Rock ON!*

What would you do if you had to move out, on your own?
I would just move to where Gol lives. Simple as that..

What would you do if there was no electricity?
If temporary...I'd deal with it. If permanent...I don't know if I could live that way.

What would you do if you didn't have to go to school any longer?

what would you do if you could get any tatoo anywhere on your body?
I'd choose a semi-inconspicuous spot, a place that wouldn't be that noticeable unless someone special was looking. :oops:

What would you do if you choose any laptop/notebook available on the market?
get alienware laptop ^.^

what would you do if you had 3 nostrils?