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I would go Renamon is sitting on Grim..funny

What would you do if the Renamon started bouncing on you and having a good time
#>.<# *rubs her thighs gently*

Pretty much that! ^_^

What would you do if that Renamon beckoned you over?
I would look around and go Me?

What would you do if the Renamon wanted to have a threesome with you and me Twisted
*air guitar* HELL YEAH!!! >XD

What would you do if... -_- I'm out of ideas...
Crimson: Foursome with Renamon FTW!

What would you do if she was really a he?
get the hell out of there...and maybe take a picture and post it to the DaD showing why "she" was angry when we showed that "she" was sexy when "she" was a he

what would you do if that was true though...after screwing him?
I'd enjoy that I at least don't get asked what I'm thinking afterwards ;)

What would you do if this Renamon becomes a female Kyuubimon and wants to mate?
I'd grant her wish. XD.

What would you do if all of your closeby friends started dying?
I don't really have any friends offline, I lost my closest friend ever a few years ago and just haven't wanted to make anymore since.

what would you do if you could change one thing about yourself.
What would I do? I'd change it, obviously!

What would you do if you suddenly found yourself in a movie to which you knew all the plot twists?