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It'll be ok... Just as long as it's black....

What would u do if some odd thing was stalking u wanting your soul?
I would turn around and give him my shoe "Theres your soul now beat it!"

What would you do if you saw a laughing hyena
... Laugh?

What would you do if you saw aliens raiding Mc. Donalds? lol
Cheer happily and watch them massacre everything inside. Hopefully, or just join them for the food.

What would you do if you had that idea as well?

What would you do if you saw someone shooting down a pigeon?
*Pulls out a Grill* Hooooo EEH! We's gonna have us a cook out!

What would you do if pidgeon was the only food at a restaurant you went to?
*shrugs and gets some* I'm not a picky eater...

What would you do if... oh... wait... that doesn't qualify because I really wouldn't mind...

What would you do if you saw a top PC game being sold for
I would buy it!!

What would you do if a monster came into your house, raided the fridge and used your computer?
I'd say hi and offer him/her a drink. *shrugs* I like visitors...

What would you do if I fell from the ceiling wearing a Spider Man costume and said 'My Spidy Sense is telling me... that I hurt... oww...'?
I would probably laugh then go "Your not a very good spidy are ya*

What would you do if you saw a Flamedramon and Aquarivamon yiffing