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I would cast Curaga and move on

What would you do if you were out of mana
Use an Ether.

Cloud: ETHER! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH THOSE COST!? I'M NOT MADE OF ETHER... oh wait, I guess I am, whole lifestream and all. Hey Vincent am I made of ether?

Vincent: *Shoots himself*

What would you do if you were in the FF world?
Go and find a Chocobo!

Kyo: I know where you got that from, Shadow.... *grins* ...VGCats, right?

What would you do if Aeris suddenly became oh-so-powerful and used a sword instead of a staff?
Do what vincent did and but give him an item where he does auto-pheonix down then rinse and repeat

What would you do if you could put preferances within your clothes like +Str
Put strength + eleventy gabillion! and then become a super hero.

What would you do if I ruled the earth?
I would server under ya

What would you do if you were the leader of the Russian Mob

What would you do if you where bitten by a radioactive worm?
I would probably glow for a week then turn my arms would turn into worms

What would you do if someone stole your left shoe
God damnit, do you have any idea how much size a pair of 12 1/2 size sneakers cost? I only have one pair of shoes.

What would you do if you had feet the size of a keyboard?
I would probably trip over my feet all the time and break my foot from it being so skinny

What would you do if you glued yourself to your computer chair