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*Blows up the house* Sorry what were you saying?

What would you do if that were your house?
Twisted *vaporises you, your family, your friends and your entire street*

What would you do now, bitch!?
Nothing, I'm vaporized.

What would you do in that case?
... *coughs and goes to local chippy*

What would you do if your favourite food was erased form existance?
eat junk food since my favorite food is a veg.

what would you do if your least favorite food was the only food of the world?
*shrugs* I don't eat much so I'll survive.

What would you do if you got a brussel sprout as a christmas prezzie? (ROFL!!!)
LMAO! We did that once to my aunt, she had just become a grandma so we got a box of prunes, opened it up to remove the prunes, and put in some gift cards. The look on her face was priceless.

What would you do if you got a great gift but accidentally broke it before you had a chance to use it?
I'd curse a lot.

What would you do if a close friend of yours fell out with you, you tried to make it up to them, but you found out they loved someone else?
I would get on with my life :P

What would you do if your cat was stuck in a tree.
Chop down the tree and pick him up when he lands on the ground.

Slashmon: Wouldn't it be easier to use a ladder?

Shadow: Easier yes, funner no.

Would you take the easy road or the hard road for something?