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Crimson: *laughs insanely* This. *blasts all the bears in the room with his Ceberus Ray Gun, until nothing is left but black ash*

What would you do if you fell out of an airplane and your parachute wasn't working?
^.^ I would land on Tieyas VERY soft breasts

What would you do if you were in underwater in a diving suit and you were running out of air.
Swim up very fast and then act goofy from getting the bends.

What would you do if you could sleep with one girl of your choice but in the moring you'd never be able to talk to her again?
O.O ... No one. Not if I can't talk to them ever again.

What would you do if you found an old man half dead in the gutter?
Steal his wallet. Depending on how much cash he had I'd call an ambulance.

What would you do if you were robbed and you knew where to find the person?
Rob the robber

What would you do if your dick go slammed in the door
Scream. Like... REALLY loud.

What would you do if you saw that happen?
Ebon: I would probably kiss it and make it all better *grins*

Ebon: What would you if I really did
Uh... ^_^' I'd probably jump out my skin.

What would you do if I did that?
Ebon: I would pounce on you and start licking you

Ebon: What would you do if I started rubbing your balls with my soft puffy tail