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I guess I'd have to go back to mail order and cons for my favorite furry pr0n.

What would you do if you had to live at your parents' home forever?
I would move out ASAP!! I can't live with my mom!! >_<

What would you do if there was no furry and/or scaley pr0n??
NO! NO!! NO!!! *runs around screaming, flailing my arms*

What species of animal would choose, if you could speak to one?
Ummm I would choose to talk to wolves or dragons...Me looooves wolves and dragons! ^_^

What would you do if you were diagnosed with a life-threatening disease?
If it was incurable, I would live the rest of my life to the fullest...doing things that I've always wanted to do. (I'm not big on medicating oneself to the point of being incapacitated.)

Kalyx: Me too! Dragons and wolves are AWESOME!!

What would you do if you couldn't have your privacy while on the computer?
I think that I would get severely irritated and then snap at whoever is bugging the hell out of me...I hate being watched when I'm on the computer because it makes me really nervous.

What would you do if you were happily married with children, but then your high school sweetheart came back into your life and wanted to run away with you??

Misty: Man...staying up late really has weird effects on me...
I believe happily and married is an oxymoron. (Usually doesn't last.)
But if that happened, and I was a fairy tale marriage, I'd stay married.
(My high school sweetheart, broke my heart, anyway.)

What would you do if you had to get married, because of an unplanned pregnancy?
Well it depends who I would be getting married to....

What would you do if you had a 13 year old cousin that is annoying as HELL and all he does it play games and bug the shit out of you?
I'd be you!

lol sorry to hear about yo cousin being a right one.

What would you do if the police had pie cannons?
I'd steal them and shoot pies at Roran's house...and his dad because I hate him.

What if the country of Japan was like in the US?