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Full Version: snowball fight OF DEATH!!
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Raize: Actually...I'm not too sure to tell you the truth
Kurtz: Huh? *looks at Raize quietly* So.... what are we doing here, ma'am?
Raize: Recon I suppose. Scanning my new surroundings...*eyes squint as someone sneaks behind her*..not so fast..*does a full backflip over the person behind her and whacks them with the butt of her gun*

Silver: I just wanted to say hi..*holds his head rolling on the ground*
Kurtz: Oh, him again. *sweat-drops, before looking at Raize* Anything you want me to do?
Raize: Yeah sure...*looks around with her eyes*..got anything to drink, kinda thirsty.
Kurtz: Hm... would coffee, or some sort of soft drink do you well, ma'am? *looks up at Raize quietly*
Raize: You mean..to a cafe of some sort *raises an eyebrow*
Kurtz: Nope... I can summon drinks, it's a speciality of mine. Out of thin air, too.
Raize: Out of...thin air? How is that possible?
Kurtz: It's a magic called spam, Raize... *he clicks his fingers and a cup of coffee materializes into his claw* ....And, well, it's handy.