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Full Version: snowball fight OF DEATH!!
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Misty: *throws a snowball at the back of Gol's head*
Zane:*high in the sky*Not enough snow.*makes each snowflake as large as a boulder*Let it snow,let it snow,let it snow.
Gol: Beware! I am coming up with new spy suit....and i will prevail! *grins and throws snowball at random person* HA HA!
GMSG:*gets hit*thanks gol....*throws snowball up in air and incinerates it*
Gol: *pops out from building in new spy suit* Haha! *throws many snowballs at everyone*
Amat:*catches snowball*Unexpected revive....again.*throws it back*
Misty: *digs a 30 ft. underground tunnel all around Gol* Hehehehe This should be fun...
GMSG:*burns a tree*bored.....need some violence
Gol: Violence? ....hmm..... *walks over to GMAR and gives peanut butter jar* ....kay! ....*walks away as jar contains nothing but snow*
GMSG:*throws jar of gol's head* thanks gol!